Harpoon 2.1 Details
Harpoon version 2.1, Sharc’s Extreme Mesher has
just been released. It includes improvements to the I/O,
visualization and boundary layer.
Summary of New Features
- Harpoon can import feature
lines directly from a data file
- Harpoon includes ASCII export for STAR-CD, FLUENT or OpenFOAM
- Harpoon will be able to export DTF mesh format for CFD Research
Corporation (CFDRC)
- Harpoon will import and display
quads from the imports
- Can clip of
individual volumes, and changing their colour
- Volumes will be selectable from the clip plane
- Report of x, y, and z nodal coordinates of the geometry
and/or mesh
- Volume cell count reduction (up to 40%)
- Lines can have per line expansion
- Meshing preferences are extended and
- Can list/keep/delete volumes using any point inside it
- 100% tet mesh on surface only
- Lines can be a refinement
- Free edges can be easily deleted
Boundary Layer
- The user can now specify different
boundary layer heights with constant or linear expansion on different connecting
parts, as long as the number of boundary layers is the same
To find out more about Harpoon's success stories, take a look at our case