Sikorsky Uses Harpoon to Solve Challenges of Coaxial Rotor
by Douglas Clark
When a company claims to have solved a challenge that has
bedeviled its industry for years, it must be ready to prove
that its idea will really fly. And that, quite literally, is
what Sikorsky Aircraft is prepared to do. A leader in the
design and manufacture of advanced helicopters for commercial,
industrial, and military use, Sikorsky has used new technology
to help significantly improve the performance of the
conventional coaxial rotor, a stacked pair of high-performance
counter-rotating rotors. The company is now preparing to
demonstrate its new coaxial rotor, known as X2 Technology™
demonstrator*, with the world of aviation as its audience.
Sikorsky is also hard at work applying its X2 Technology
solutions to practical aviation challenges, as it perfects
conceptual designs of two military heavy lift aircraft that
employ the suite of X2 Technology solutions.
Two rotors are better than one
T. Alan Egolf, an engineer and Supervisor of Aerodynamic
Methodology at Sikorsky, has worked with numerous coworkers on
the effort to reengineer the conventional coaxial rotor. Egolf
explains that “coaxial rotors have been in use for years and
are currently manufactured by a few manufacturers.” Although
the basic concept of stacked rotors presents a number of
important advantages over a single-rotor design, there are
other challenges associated with coaxial rotor systems that
have limited their use for high-speed applications.
Among the advantages, coaxial rotors generally make for a more
stable flight. When designing a single rotor helicopter,
engineers must ensure that the torque produced by the main
rotor is offset by a tail rotor or vectored air. Otherwise,
the body of the aircraft will spin contrary to the direction
of rotation of the main rotor—clearly a dangerous situation.
In a coaxial design, the stacked rotors turn in opposite
directions, offsetting one another’s torque to produce stable
flight conditions.
Another design advantage is ground safety. Since coaxial-rotor
helicopters do not require a tail rotor, they are safer to
approach while rotors are still in motion. This is a
particularly important advantage for military applications,
where circumstances may not allow time to stop rotors before
personnel approach or exit the aircraft.
Helicopters powered by coaxial rotors are also generally
capable of higher speeds or able to bear greater weight than
single-rotor aircraft. This superior performance is due to the
sheer physics of how rotors work. Every conventional
helicopter has a maximum speed at which it can no longer
produce sufficient laterally balanced lift and maintain
controllability on the rotor due to retreating blade stall.
While these same phenomena affect the individual rotors of
coaxial designs, the effects of one rotor are essentially
canceled out by those of the other rotor, allowing for higher
do-not-exceed speeds that are limited more by engine power and
design structural limits than by control issues.
Improved speed is exactly what Sikorsky has come up with in
its current work. Speaking about the direction of the
company’s current work with X2 Technology systems, Egolf
explains that “Sikorsky is working on two different coaxial
rotor concepts under conceptual design studies for the
government. Currently, we’re working on the X2 Technology
Crane (X2C) and the X2 Technology High-Speed Lifter (X2HS).”
The X2C is intended to lift exceptionally heavy external
loads, while the X2 HS can take full advantage of coaxial
rotors’ high performance to move heavy loads or troops stowed
internally at high speeds.
Advantages and challenges
Of course, with coaxial rotors’ great advantages come
engineering challenges. The hub on which the rotors are
mounted is complex since it bears two rotors that turn in
opposite directions around the rotor shaft. In addition to
designing a mechanically efficient hub, designers also must
take into consideration the drag and lift properties of the
assembly, just as they do for every other part of the craft.
This is because the hub drag of a coaxial system is more than
that of a single main rotor hub.
To assess the highly sensitive area of the rotor hub and the
pylon, which is the housing directly beneath the rotors, the
team is using CFD methods that use high-resolution FLUENT
meshes to achieve the highly accurate calculations that are
necessary for even the most preliminary work on this area of
the helicopter. While this accuracy is critical for the hub
and pylon, it is too time consuming and expensive to be
practical in the preliminary design of many other areas of the
For all but the most sensitive areas, engineers throughout the
industry generally derive needed calculations from panel
methods during the preliminary stages of design. But while
using panel methods is reasonably fast and inexpensive, it
also allows a considerable amount of the engineer’s
subjectivity and speculation to creep into the calculations.
That’s because panel methods cannot account for flow
separation or lift without user-selected models of these
Automatic grid generation adds efficiency and savings
Always looking to improve on their design and engineering
process—particularly through the use of new
technology—Sikorsky has adopted a new method for much of its
preliminary design work that allows them to tap the power of
CFD methods in a fast and cost-effective manner.
As Egolf and his colleagues assess the aerodynamic
characteristics of the two conceptual X2 Technology aircraft ,
they’re drawing on Harpoon, an automatic grid generation tool
from Sharc, to help
support and improve the design process. By combining
Harpoon-generated grids with FLUENT, the team is studying the
fuselage aerodynamics for the two conceptual X2 Technology
“The value of Harpoon,” says Egolf, “is that it provides a
very quick grid adequate for the level of fidelity of
prediction that we’re interested in to support our preliminary
design work.
While the Harpoon grids are somewhat lower fidelity than the
grids used in later design stages, they are cost-effective and
provide quick results that, when combined with FLUENT, are far
superior to traditional panel methods. “During this
preliminary design phase,” Egolf notes, “this is an acceptable
trade off for us in cost vs. fidelity.”
Harpoon has saved the engineering team considerable time and,
as a result, money. “If the designer changes something,” says
Egolf, “we want to be able to regrid quickly—which Harpoon
allows us to do—and get results in a timely manner so we can
have an impact on our schedule.”
Sikorsky has taken advantage of Harpoon’s speed and
cost-effectiveness in a number of areas. In addition to using
Harpoon to understand the aerodynamics of a fuselage and
refine its design, Egolf and his colleagues have also used
Harpoon to study the interactions of the fuselage flowfield
with other components of the aircraft, such as the engines.
Early in the program, CFD solutions based on Harpoon grids
indicated significant problems with the sizing of airflow
inlets and exits. The discovery allowed engineers to catch the
problem early on and redesign portions of the fuselage
Later in the program, higher-fidelity CFD simulations
indicated that some additional refinements to the inlet design
were needed. Instead of immediately rerunning the more costly
and time-consuming high-fidelity CFD simulations once the
redesign was completed, the engineers used Harpoon to run a
quick study on the air inlets and check the impact of the
redesign. Just two hours after receiving the redesigned
fuselage parts, the engineers had an answer as to whether the
new design was effective.
Pursuing Harpoon’s time- and cost-saving advantages has made a
significant difference in Sikorsky’s work on the two
conceptual X2 Technology aircraft. Of course, the use of the
latest computer technology is certainly nothing new at
Sikorsky. An ongoing pursuit of the best technology available
helps explain how Sikorsky has succeeded thus far in producing
some of the world’s finest aircraft. And it’s also part of the
company’s plans to continue to raise the bar in the world of
helicopter aviation.
*X2 Technology is a trademark of Sikorsky Aircraft
More Information
The Man Behind the Machine
If the name Sikorsky sounds familiar, that’s because engineer
Igor Sikorsky was the inventor of the helicopter as we know
it. Read more about his work and the evolution of the
helicopter here.
Igor Sikorsky drew inspiration from those before him,
including Leonardo da Vinci, the Renaissance genius whose
sketches show early conceptions of a helicopter-like flying
