Extreme Meshing

Harpoon is the ideal tool for delivering high quality meshes of even the most complex geometry. Fast and flexible, Harpoon's powerful geometry and mesh controls are driven in GUI or batch.


Harpoon is a fully automatic body-fitted hex-dominant mesher. The automatic generation of volume meshes and/or surface meshes removes the need for time-consuming surface mesh generation. Harpoon produces a variety of mesh types to suit your needs.


Harpoon has direct interfaces for common CAD packages and exports to major CFD codes such as Fluent, OpenFOAM and CCM+. Certain FEA code exports are available. Mesh refinement for specific grid regions e.g. wakes, is possible in GUI and batch.


Using state-of-the-art spatial algorithms and pseudo-integer calculations, Harpoon delivers high quality meshes at unrivalled speeds. Turn-around times from CAD to CFD solutions can now be reduced by orders of magnitude for large complex geometry compared with other meshing tools and methods.


Harpoon can automatically calculate the mesh density required to capture all geometric details larger than a given tolerance. With a combination of the automatic feature extraction and an intuitive GUI, the user can generate volume and/or surface meshes in just three mouse clicks.


Harpoon automatically checks the generated mesh for inconsistencies and proceeds to repair any cells of undesirable quality. This routine requires no input from the user and is integral to the whole meshing process.

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Geometry features


Harpoon can separate any geometry into separate parts by region (i.e. contiguous sections) or by feature angle. Parts may be deleted, merged or renamed.


Harpoon can automatically generate intersection lines to help improve mesh quality in these regions.

Feature Lines

Feature lines may be added, deleted, split or merged. Different angles may also be chosen for their creation.

Meshing features


Refinement regions (boxes/spheres/trapezoids) can be used to control the volume size in specific regions. Cells can also be stretched in X, Y or Z.


Harpoon offers global slow or quick expansion rates from one hexa level to another. Expansion of more than 2-1 never occurs. A more complex expansion is possible from any part, which penetrates the volume much more. This is useful for leading edges of wings, for example.

Mesh types

Body-fitted Hpoly, Hex-dominant and 100% tet meshes are possible. Cartesian and Wrapping are also available.

Leak detection

In a mesh that may contain millions of cells it can be extremely difficult to locate missing elements or 'leaks'. Any leaks will play havoc with solvers so it is vital to find them. Harpoon can find these by a proprietary scanning method which displays the route taken through problem holes.

Boundary layer

Boundary layers with variable heights/expansions can be created on a per part basis.

General features

Native File Format

A Native file format may be saved. The format is machine independent.

Mesh Editing

Cells may be manually adjusted or automatically smoothed with a new improved smoothing algorithm.

Surface Mesh Cleaning

Surface meshes may now be cleaned automatically. Harpoon will search the surface for bumps and other irregularities and attempt to resolve them.

Technical specifications

CAD Import formats
  • Catia V4/V5
  • Unigraphics
  • Iges
Import formats
  • STL
  • Nastran
  • Fluent/Tgrid
  • StarCD
Export formats
  • Fluent
  • CCM+
  • OpenFOAM
Supported platforms
  • Linux 64-bit 2.6.18
  • Windows 32/64-bit

Current version

  • Harpoon Version v7.4a
  • (Updated 18th Dec 2024)